JAplan ensures that work keeps going at all times while jurisdictional disputes are resolved quickly and effectively.
Where there is disagreement between two or more unions relating to a contractor’s assignment of specific work, application can be made to the JAplan for a determination as to the work assignment. Hearings are held and decisions rendered by an independent JAplan Umpire, usually within a week to ten days of an application being made.
The Jurisdictional Assignment Plan of the BC Construction Industry is a joint initiative of CLR and the BC & Yukon Territory Building & Construction Trades Council.
Updates Labour Day – Origins
Labour Day originally grew out of an 1872 printers’ strike in Toronto, fighting for a nine-hour work day. The printers won their battle, a major milestone in the changing relations between Canadian workers and their government.
Just over 20 years later, on July 23, 1894, the government of then-Prime Minister John Thompson passed a law making Labour Day official. In Canada, Labour Day is still a statutory holiday observed each year on the first Monday in September.
In the early days, Labour Day was celebrated with parades and other festivities. While celebrations are now more low-key, Labour Day is still observed across Canada and is viewed as the unofficial end of summer.